We value to uphold, promote and ensure there is always a safe and inclusive work environment. This Code of Conduct applies to all parties who work with and/or for Girl with Balloons LLC.

The welfare of the individuals we work with is our top priority. We seek to ensure that all of our collaborators adhere to our principles and policies and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Everyone working on a project should be treated with the upmost dignity and respect. All work performed on any project must be performed in a professional manner, free of any and all forms of discrimination or harassment. Any inappropriate conduct toward others, including but not limited to that based on an individual’s sex, race, color, weight, body shape, size, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, marital or domestic-partnership status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or transgender status, will not be tolerated.

All work performed must be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to labor, wage and hour, and immigration laws of the country in which project is taking place.

Project collaborators may not be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs (including unsanctioned prescription drugs), and the consumption or use of alcohol and illegal drugs (including the misuse of prescription drugs) on the premises of a project is strictly prohibited.

The general nature of any project will be explained to the collaborators in advance. Any concepts that include nudity, semi-nudity, simulated drug or alcohol use, or sexually suggestive poses must be pre-approved by the relevant collaborator in advance of project.

Any collaborators under 18 years of age shall be required to have a parent or legal guardian (or a parent/legal guardian approved chaperone) with them on the project.

All project collaborators must act professionally and refrain from harassment of any kind.